Sunday, November 3, 2013

#8 Return to House Five

Cloudy day during the return of House #5
 I ended up returning to House #5. It is probably one of my favorite houses I've been to so far. I am very interested in exploring further on the grounds of the house if the neighbors don't mind. 

The house is like one out of a movie. There is even a cemetery across the street (which I unfortunately don't have a picture of yet).

In the front yard is a mess of wood and a single door. Way out past the house is a barn barely visible.

The Revival of the Blog

Hello friends!
I got involved in other things for a really long time and I left this blog. I guess you can say I abandoned it.
My boyfriend and I have plans to go exploring quite soon. New content will be posted.
Thanks for everything

Sunday, March 24, 2013

#7 Country Side & Garden


This abandoned store is located in Uxbridge, Massachusetts. It was known as Country Side and Garden when it was open. Across the street, there used to be a huge old mill (?). 
It is in the process of being emptied and boarded up.

#6 Abandoned House


This house is located in Milford, Massachusetts. There isn't a 'No Trespassing' sign on the house, but I still kept my distance because of where it is located. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

#5 - Abandoned House


This huge house is located in Mendon, Massachusetts. I only have pictures of it boarded up, but it wasn't ever boarded up. An old, homeless man used to live inside it. I really couldn't imagine how he could have lived in it when the house was literally caving in. Sometimes when I used to drive by it at night, there would be a light in the window. 
Since it has been boarded up and a 'No Trespassing' sign has been posted, the old man hasn't been near the house. Supposedly, it is to be torn down soon.

Monday, March 18, 2013

#4 - Abandoned House Across From The Blanchard School


Hidden in the weeds across from the Blanchard School, this property is trying to be sold after being abandoned for many years.
The upper windows of the house are in tact, while the bottom windows...not so much. A 'No Tresspassing' sign is posted on the front door, but is barely visible because of the large overgrowth. There is a 'For Sale' sign outside of the house.

# 3 - Blanchard School


Picture thanks to this website.
The Blanchard School was closed because of asbestos problems. I'm estimating that it closed around 2002 or 2003, because I couldn't find any information about it on the web, but it is considered a historical place in North Uxbridge. There is a sign in front of the school now about the preservation of the school. Behind the school is a playground now overgrown with weeds. You can see the playground barely if you go down School Street right next to the school. It is a dead end, though.

This is one of the few pictures I have taken of the Blanchard school...I plan to take more soon.